Accurate (917D7, CLBHLADR, DR), American Research Products (Dra, LDR), Axcel/Accurate (DK22), Biogenesis (HL-12, polyclonal), Biogenex (Q513), Biosource (BF1), Boehringer Mannheim (CR3-43), Caltag Laboratories (, HL38, MIG-H13), Coulter (12, 13), Cymbus Bioscience (DDII, IQU9 TAL1B), Dako (DK22, TAL.1B5), Exalpha Co. (423L), Harlan Seralab/Accurate (MID3, YD1-63.4.10), Immunotech (B8.12.2), Novocastra (polyclonal), Pharmingen (TU36), Research Diagnostics (CLB-HLA-DR), Sanbio/Monosan (HL39), Sanbio/Monosan/Accurate (HL39), Sigma (HA14) and Zymed (LN3).

These antibodies are applicable to B5 or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue section. In addition, cryostat sections and cell smears may also be used.

HLA molecules are highly polymorphic glycoproteins with a single binding site for immunogenic peptides. The complex formed by HLA-DR molecules and peptides is the entity specifically recognized by the antigen receptor of CD 4+ helper T lymphocytes. This biological function has been linked to the constitutive cell surface expression of HLA molecules on antigen-presenting cells, which provide immunogenic peptides through denaturation or fragmentation of antigen (Jendro et al, 1991).
The HLA-DR is a member of the 11b subclass of HLA (the other member is HLA-DQ). The HLA-DR antigen is expressed by B cells of the germinal centers and mantle zones. It is also expressed by macrophages, monocytes and antigen-presenting cells like interdigitating reticulum cells and Langerhans cells of the skin. Activated T cells may express the HLA-DR antigen, but not inactive T cells. Some endothelial and epithelial tissues may also express HLA-DR.

Anti-HLA-DR may be useful in distinguishing B-cell follicle center lymphomas from T-cell lymphomas. The antibody also detects class II antigens which may be expressed de novo or increased in certain pathological states, e.g. autoimmune diseases. Similarly, it will demonstrate aberrant expression of class II antigen in various malignant cell types (Crumpton et al, 1984).

Tonsil or skin may be used as positive control tissue.

•Crumpton MJ, Bodmer JC, Bodmer WF et al 1984. Biochemistry of class II antigens: workshop report. In: Albert ED, Mayr WR, (eds). Histocompatibility testing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag pp 29-37.

•Jendro M, Goronzy JJ, Weyand CM 1991. Structural and functional characterization of HLA-DR molecules circulating in the serum. Autoimmunity 8:289-296.

Manual of diagnostic antibodies for immunohistology / Anthony S.-Y. Leong, Kumarasen Cooper, F. Joel W.-M. Leong.